Legend for FRA relevance: (E) = “Horizontal Entry point”, (X) = “Horizontal Exit point”, (I) = “Intermediate point”, (A) = “Arrival Connecting point”, (D) = “Departure Connecting point”.

Name-code designatorCoordinatesATS route or other routeFRA relevanceRemarks/Usage
ABETI474040N 0170046ENil(X)(I)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraftNil
ABONY471615N 0195845ENil(I)Nil
ABULI482903N 0202912ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(X) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
ALAMU474413N 0181948ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(E) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
AMRAX480529N 0192158ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(X) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
ANIWE480930N 0212630ENilNilLHNY TIZ2/RMZ2 ENTRY/EXIT point
ARSIN473402N 0164513ENil(EX)(ID)(E) Only for DEP LOWW, (X) EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft(D): LOWW See AIP Austria
BABIT455554N 0185544ENil(EX)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft,
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
BABOX465345N 0194059ENil(D)Final point of the SID procedure for LHKE, (D): LHKE
BADOR473425N 0220629ENil(I) FL105-FL660Nil
(X) 9500 FT AMSL-FL105Nil
BADOV480116N 0184857ENil(D)Final Point of the SID procedure for LHBP, (D): LHBP, LHKE, LHTL
BALAP480405N 0191500ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(E) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
BALUX472027N 0190746ENil(IA)Mandatory waypoint for LOWW/LZIB ARR except from KEKED. Mandatory waypoint for LZIB ARR. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (A): LOWW, LZIB
BAREB454446N 0182448ENil(EXD)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP, EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft, ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft, (D): LHBP
BEGLA474951N 0170652ENil(X)(I)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraftNil
Nil(I)First way point of the STAR for LHBP
BINKU465534N 0202733ENil(D)Final Point of the SID procedure for LHKE, (D): LHKE
Nil(I)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LZIB
BOKSI463807N 0194951ENil(A)First way point of the STAR for LHKE, (A): LHKE
BUDOP464115N 0212948ENil(I) FL105-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL105Nil
Nil(I)Only available and mandatory for DEP/ARR LHTL
DEGET462937N 0211602ENil(I) FL175-FL660Nil
(E) 9500 FT AMSL-FL175EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
DEMOP481029N 0200325ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft, ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
DIMLO464101N 0162522ENil(EXD)(I) FL125-FL660ODD FLs for all entering aircraft, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft, Mandatory waypoint for DEP LOWW. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (D): LOWW (AD): LJMB See AIP SloveniaODD FLs for all entering aircraft, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft, Mandatory waypoint for DEP LOWW, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (D): LOWW
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL125; (AD):LJMB
DODAR471252N 0193139ENil(I)Nil
Nil(I)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
Nil(A)First way point of the STAR for LHBP,
EBORO462121N 0195915ENil(I)Nil
Nil(A)First way point of the STAR for LHBP,(A): LHBP
Nil(I)Only available and mandatory for DEP/ARR LHTL
EPARI474111N 0185841ENil(ID)Mandatory waypoint for LOWW DEP entering BUDAPEST CTA via ALAMU. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart (D): LOWW
ERGOM474830N 0184359ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(E) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
Nil(I)Only available and mandatory for DEP/ARR LHKE
ETARO473000N 0190000ENil(I) Nil
ETNOG473938N 0215812ENil(I)Nil
Nil(I)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
Nil(I)Only available and mandatory for DEP/ARR LHKE
GASNA475359N 0170759ENilNilNil
Nil(I)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
GELKA480605N 0201359ENil(I)Nil
GEMTO480800N 0223540ENil(X)ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
GILEP472900N 0181532ENil(ID) Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP, Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart. (D): LHBP
GITAS470317N 0181027ENil(I)Nil
GOTAR465952N 0161329ENil(EX)(IAD)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft(AD): LOWG See AIP Austria
Nil(ID)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart.
Nil(I)Only available and mandatory for DEP/ARR LHKE
INVED460928N 0202405ENil(I) FL175-FL660Nil
(X) 9500 FT AMSL-FL175ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
Nil(IA)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LZIB,Holding point for ARR LHBP, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (A): LZIB
KARIL474738N 0222632ENil(I) FL105-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL105Nil
KEKED483123N 0211729ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
KENIN482142N 0215538ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
KEROP461104N 0194148ENil(XD)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP, ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft, (D): LHBP
Nil(A)First way point of the STAR for LHBP, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart,(A): LHBP
KOLUM482616N 0210429ENil(A)First waypoint of the STAR/transition procedure for LZKZ
See AIP Slovakia, (A): LZKZ
KOPRY461425N 0165746ENil(EXA)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft, (A): LHBP
KOVEK475050N 0203010ENil(I)Nil
KUSIS475218N 0222302ENil(I) For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
KUVEX475430N 0172615ENilNilNil
Nil(I)Holding point for ARR LHBP
LATOF481642N 0204802ENil(AD)Final point of the SID procedure for LZKZ, First waypoint of the STAR for LZKZ, (AD): LZKZ
LITKU481350N 0193555ENil(I) FL245-FL660Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
(XD) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft, (D): LHBP
LONLA482024N 0221911ENil(EX)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft,
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
LUVEL464600N 0212010ENil(I) For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
MAVIR462354N 0194931ENil(ID) Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP, Final point of the SID procedure for LHKE, (D): LHKE, LHBP
MEGIK471230N 0215140ENil(I) FL105-FL660Nil
(E) 9500 FT AMSL-FL105Nil
Nil(I)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP
MOPUG460949N 0204229ENil(I) FL175-FL660Nil
(E) 9500 FT AMSL-FL175EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
NALOX465211N 0164912ENil(IAD)Final point of the SID procedure for LHSM / First waypoint of the STAR for LHSM, (AD): LHSM, (D): LOWW
NARKA471454N 0215136ENil(I) FL105-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL105Nil
NATEX474449N 0173000ENil(X)(I) FL245-FL660EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft(A): LOWW See AIP Austria
(A) 9500 FT AMSL - FL245
NEKIN462426N 0164212ENil(X)Nil
NIKAB463709N 0173244ENil(I)Nil
NIPUR474302N 0200047ENil(I)For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
NOHAT464840N 0163735ENil(ID)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LOWW, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (D): LOWW
NORAH473658N 0194829ENil(I)Nil
OGVUN472306N 0175120ENil(IAD)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LHBP, Final point of the SID procedure for LHPA / First waypoint of the STAR for LHPA, (AD): LHPA
OKORA464559N 0182217ENil(I)Nil
OLATI465914N 0172845ENil(I)Nil
ONNIS475800N 0215800ENilNilLHNY TIZ2/RMZ2 ENTRY/EXIT point
OSDUK454715N 0180801ENil(XD)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP, ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft, (D): LHBP
OSLEN464336N 0202145ENil(A)First waypoint of the STAR for LHKE, (A): LHKE
PARAK460950N 0200539ENil(EXA)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LHBP, EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft,
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft, (A): LHBP
PATAK480423N 0190738ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(X) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
Nil(I)Only available and mandatory for DEP/ARR LHKE
PERIT474718N 0213722ENil(IAD)First waypoint of the STAR for LHDC, Final point of the SID procedure for LHDC, (AD): LHDC
PESAT474254N 0170311ENil(E)(I)ODD FLs for all entering aircraftNil
PIDON460720N 0180410ENil(IAD)First waypoint of the STAR for LHPP, Final Point of the SID procedure for LHPP, (AD): LHPP
PITOK481929N 0202218ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
Nil(I)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LZIB
PUSTA470908N 0184432ENil(I)Nil
RAKFA471140N 0182740ENil(I)Nil
RIGSA480952N 0204506ENil(IA)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LHBP. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (A): LHBP
ROMKA481319N 0215025ENil(I)Mandatory in case of LHTRA32B and LHTRA33B active
SASAL471705N 0162828ENil(EX)(I)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraftNil
SIRDU471517N 0171955ENil(IAD)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LHBP, Mandatory waypoint for DEP LZIB via VAMOG, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (A): LHBP, (D): LZIB
SOGMO463637N 0174103ENil(I)Nil
SOPRO473516N 0164809ENil(EX)Only below 9500 FT AMSL,
ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
STEIN472539N 0163559ENil(EX)(ID)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft,
Exit only for DEP LHPA
(D): LOWW See AIP Austria
SUBES472516N 0172536ENil(I)Nil
SUFAX481336N 0212349ENil(AD)Final point of the SID procedure for LZKZ, First waypoint of the STAR for LZKZ, (AD): LZKZ
SUNIS470831N 0162059ENil(X)(I)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraftNil
SUNOR462847N 0171750ENil(AD)Final point of the SID procedure for LHSM, First waypoint of the STAR for LHSM, (AD): LHSM
TEGRI461546N 0210616ENil(I) FL175-FL660Nil
(X) 9500 FT AMSL-FL175ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
TEKNO473726N 0172432ENil(I) FL245-FL660(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245NilTEKNO intersection is not AVBL for DEP/ARR LHBP traffic. ODD FLs for all entering aircraft, EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
TONDO460250N 0192121ENil(E)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
TORNO473223N 0182924ENil(IA)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LOWW, LZIB. See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart. (A): LOWW, LZIB
Nil(I)First waypoint of the STAR for LHBP
UVERA471200N 0202547ENil(I) For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
VAJDI472232N 0181709ENil(I)First waypoint of the STAR for LHBP
VAMOG474714N 0173945ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
VEBAL455929N 0171748ENil(EXD)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP, ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft, (D): LHBP
VEBOS471823N 0183814ENil(I)Nil
VERIG471020N 0214329ENil(IAD)First waypoint of the STAR for LHDC
Final point of the SID procedure for LHDC, (AD): LHDC
Nil(D)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP, (D): LHBP
Nil(I)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
XOMBA474524N 0180343ENil(I) FL245-FL660Nil
(EX) 9500 FT AMSL-FL245Mandatory waypoint for ARR LZIB, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, ODD FLs for all entering aircraft,
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
ZOLKU473326N 0174830ENil(ID)Mandatory waypoint for DEP LHBP via GILEP, See also ENR 6-LHCC-LINKS chart, (D): LHBP
Nil(I)Holding point for ARR LHBP