This unit assumes executive responsibilities of ATFCM for Europe which consists of strategic, pretactical and tactical flow measures.
The NMOC is responsible for:
In order to do this, the NMOC applies procedures which:
Flights which do not adhere to their slots shall be denied start up clearance by the ground contoller. However, ATC shall make all efforts to enable departing flights to comply with the slot and flights shall not be prevented from departing due to small taxiing delays.
AOs shall be fully conversant with of and adhere to:
Specifically, they shall adhere to departure slots issued by the ATFCM Service.
The general ATFCM procedures for the ICAO European Region are published in ICAO Doc 7030, the Regional Supplementary Procedures, Europe and in ICAO EUR Doc 003, the ATFCM Handbook.
Detailed NMOC Procedures can be found in ATFCM Users Manual:
ATFCM measures are issued and forwarded by the NMOC via ATFCM Notification Messages (ANMs). Information relating to the ANMs are notified via ATFCM Information Messages (AIMs).
These messages are generally issued late afternoon before the day of operation.
These messages are received at the AO‘s offices which have direct contact with the NMOC either via SITA or a CHMI Terminal.
For those AOs who do not contact the NMOC directly, information on current ATFCM measures (ANMs and AIMs) are normally available at the FMP Budapest. This information is also available at the ARO.
This slot is available in the form of CTOT two hours prior to EOBT. The slot is defined by a period of 15 minutes (-5/+10 minutes CTOT).
Note: Wrongful use of abbreviations for special handling requirements in the flight plan, which result, in most cases, in an exemption from flow regulation is regarded as a serious breach of procedures and will be dealt accordingly.
From the NMOC:
SAM | Slot Allocation Message |
SRM | Slot Revision Message |
SLC | Slot Requirement Cancellation Message |
SIP | Slot Improvement Proposal Message |
FLS | Flight Suspension Message |
DES | De-Suspension Message |
ERR | Error Message |
RRP | Rerouting Proposal Message |
RRN | Rerouteing Notification Message |
From the users:
SMM | Slot Missed Message |
SPA | Slot Proposal Acceptance Message |
SRJ | Slot Proposal Rejection Message |
FCM | Flight Confirmation Message |
REA | Ready Message |
RFI | Ready for (direct) Improvement Message |
RJT | Rerouting Rejection Message |
SWM | SIP Wanted Message |
Details concerning use and format of the above messages are published in the Network Operations Handbook.
AO‘s who want to establish a direct dialogue with the NMOC must agree a fixed an AFTN and/or SITA address with the NMOC or may require the installation of a NMOC terminal. In this way, all ATFCM messages will be sent to the respective AO, who is then responsible for the whole message dialogue with the NMOC in the context of ATFCM.
Those AOs, who cannot communicate directly with the NMOC, can file and receive all ATFCM messages with the help of the ARO staff or the FMP located in the ACC Budapest.
The following procedures shall be observed:
If the delay is caused by ATFCM measures, this must be pointed out to the ARO so that the delay message (DLA) can be transmitted correctly.
After having received a SAM, whenever an aircraft indicates that its flight is in a ready situation, it may ask the TWR to send a Ready Message (RDY) to the NMOC. Any potential improvement which could be given to this flight will be made by the NMOC through the transmission of a Slot Revision Message (SRM). The TWR will pass the SRM to the pilot as soon as it has been received from the NMOC. The NMOC will stop the process if the indicated MINLINEUP time is not long enough for the flight to be amended.
Note: This revision will not be given a higher priority than other flights normally eligible for an improvement through the normal procedure SIP.
The insertion of an STS/… indicator in field 18 of a Flight Plan will identify that a flight may require special handling. This indicator is for use by all parties which may have to handle the flight.
The following flights are automatically exempted from ATFCM slot allocation:
It should be noted that flights using only STS/STATE, STS/HUM or STS/HOSP will no longer automatically qualify the flight for exemption from ATFCMmeasures.
The indicator STS/ATFMX is used for flights indicated as STS/HOSP, STS/HUM or STS/STATE. The insertion of both STS/indicators is required, e.g. STS/ATFMX HOSP.
The operator of a flight seeking an individual approval to insert the indicator STS/ATFMX in Item 18 of a flight plan, for a flight departing from an aerodrome within Budapest FIR, shall obtain prior permission from FMP Budapest, that has been mandated by Hungarian CAA to carry out the approval process.
The request for the exemption shall comprise the following information and shall be submitted in written form when practicable at least 24 hours in advance, but not later than 2 hours in advance of the flight:
FMP Budapest may be contacted H24 as follows:
The Network Manager provides the Hungarian CAA and Budapest FMP a list of all flights departing from Hungary using STS/ATFMX, on a monthly basis. The Hungarian CAA may verify that all such flights operated with an appropriate approval for ATFCM exemption.
Hours of Operation: H24
Tel:(+361) 291-1085
Fax:(+361) 296-6925
Overall responsibility regarding airspace management within Budapest FIR rests with the Minister responsible for transport matters in agreement with the Minister responsible for defence. Flexible use of airspace as a concept described by ICAO and developed by EUROCONTROL is carried out in Hungary in compliance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2150/2005 of 23 December 2005 laying down common rules for the flexible use of airspace. Based on the above, Airspace Management (ASM) is applied on three levels:
The National Airspace Coordination Working Group represents the strategic ASM in Hungary. This Working Group is the National High Level Airspace Policy Body (HLAPB). The strategic ASM consists of joint civil and military process within a which formulates the national ASM policy and carries out the necessary strategic planning work, taking into account national and international airspace users’ requirements. The Airspace Coordination Working Group continually assesses the national airspace, determines the working structures for ASM Levels 2 and 3, and gives them the authority required to carry out their tasks.
Pre-Tactical ASM in Hungary is carried out by the Airspace Management Cell (AMC) as a joint civil-military unit. AMC Hungary conducts the day-to-day management and temporary allocation of airspace in the framework of the State airspace structure, priority rules and negotiation procedures as laid down by the national HLAPB. AMC collects airspace requests from the Approved Agencies (AAs) and promulgates the airspace allocation as an Airspace Use Plan (AUP), changes to the airspace plan are notified via Updated Airspace Use Plans (UUPs). AUPs/UUPs contain AMC Manageable Areas (AMA) such as Temporary Reserved Areas (TRA) and Danger Areas (D). EUROCONTROL Network Manager Operations Centre Centralised Airspace Data Function (NMOC CADF) consolidates national AUPs/UUPs to be published on the NOP Portal as European AUP/UUP (EAUP/EUUP). Besides to AUPs/UUPs, AMC Hungary creates a National Airspace Use Plan (NUP) including additional areas for local interests, which are not published centrally by NMOC CADF. The NUP is available on the HungaroControl website:
Airspace Management Cell (AMC) contacts:
AMC Hungary performs real time activation and deactivation of the manageable areas and conducts reallocation of the airspace allocated at ASM Level 2. Furthermore ASM Level 3 includes resolution of specific airspace problems and/or traffic situations between civil and military ATS units and/or controlling military units and/or controllers, as appropriate.