Legend for FRA relevance: (E) = “Horizontal Entry point”, (X) = “Horizontal Exit point”, (I) = “Intermediate point”, (A) = “Arrival Connecting point”, (D) = “Departure Connecting point”.

Name-code designatorCoordinatesATS route or other routeFRA relevanceRemarks/Usage
ABETI474040N 0170046EN/A(X)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
ABONY471615N 0195845EN/A(A)First way point of the STAR/transition procedure for LHBP
ABULI482903N 0202912EN/A(X) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
AGMAS472903N 0194130EN/A(I)Holding for ARR LHBP
ALAMU474413N 0181948EN/A(E) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
AMRAX480529N 0192158EN/A(X) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
ARSIN473402N 0164513EN/A(EX)(E) Only for DEP LOWW, (X) EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
BABIT455554N 0185544EN/A(EX)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
BABOX465345N 0194059EN/A(D)Final point of the SID procedure for LHKE
BADOR473425N 0220629EN/A(X) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
BADOV480116N 0184857EN/A(D)DEP: LHBP, LHKE, LHTL. Final Point of the SID procedure for LHBP
BALAP480405N 0191500EN/A(E) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
BALUX472027N 0190746EN/A(I)Mandatory waypoint for LOWW ARR except from KEKED. Mandatory waypoint for LZIB ARR. See also ENR 6-LHCC-ERC-MISC1 chart
BAREB454446N 0182448EN/A(EX)
EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
BEGLA474951N 0170652EN/A(X)EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
BINKU465534N 0202733EN/A(D)Final Point of the SID procedure for LHKE
BOKSI463807N 0194951EN/A(A)First way point of the STAR for LHKE
BUDOP464115N 0212948EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
DEGET462937N 0211602EN/A(E) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) FL175-FL660 (E) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) 9500 FT-FL175EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
DEMOP481029N 0200325EN/A(EXA) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
(IA) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)ARR: LHBP, LHKE, LHTL
DIMLO464101N 0162522EN/A(EX)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
DODAR471252N 0193139EN/A(I)Nil
EBORO462121N 0195915EN/A(I)Nil
EPARI474111N 0185841EN/A(I)Mandatory waypoint for LOWW DEP entering to HUFRA via ALAMU. See also ENR 6-LHCC-ERC-MISC1 chart
ERGOM474830N 0184359EN/A(E) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
ERLOS470403N 0191630EN/A(D)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
ETARO473000N 0190000EN/A(I) Nil
ETNOG473938N 0215812EN/A(I)Nil
GASNA475359N 0170759EN/AN/ASee also AIP Austria
GELKA480605N 0201359EN/A(I)Mandatory waypoint for ARR LHBP entering to HUFRA via KARIL, LONLA, KEKED, PITOK. See also ENR 6-LHCC-ERC-MISC1 chart
GEMTO480800N 0223540EN/A(X)ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
GILEP472900N 0181532EN/A(D) Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
GITAS470317N 0181027EN/A(I)Mandatory waypoint for LZIB DEP entering to HUFRA via VAMOG, See also ENR 6-LHCC-ERC-MISC1 chart
GOTAR465952N 0161329EN/A(EX)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
INVED460928N 0202405EN/A(X) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) FL175-FL660 (X) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) 9500 FT-FL175ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
KARIL474738N 0222632EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
KEKED483123N 0211729EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
KENIN482142N 0215538EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
KEROP461104N 0194148EN/A(X)ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
KOLUM482616N 0210429EN/A(A)First waypoint of the STAR/transition procedure for LZKZ
See AIP Slovakia
KOPRY461425N 0165746EN/A(EX)ODD FLs for all entering aircraft
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
KOVEK475050N 0203010EN/A(I)Nil
KUSIS475218N 0222302EN/A(I) For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
KUVEX475430N 0172615EN/AN/ASee also AIP Austria
LITKU481350N 0193555EN/A(XD) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
EVEN FLs for all exiting aircraft
(ID) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
LONLA482024N 0221911EN/A(EX)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
ODD FLs for all exiting aircraft
LUVEL464600N 0212010EN/A(I) For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
MAVIR462354N 0194931EN/A(ID) Final point of the SID procedure for LHKE
MEGIK471230N 0215140EN/A(E) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
MOPUG460949N 0204229EN/A(E) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) FL175-FL660 (E) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) 9500 FT-FL175EVEN FLs for all entering aircraft
MAMOS474716N 0190401EN/A(I)Holding for ARR LHBP
NALAG480233N 0194557EN/A(D)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
NALOX465211N 0164912EN/A(AD)Final point of the SID procedure for LHSM / First waypoint of the STAR for LHSM
NARKA471454N 0215136EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all entering ACFT
ODD FLs for all exiting ACFT
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
NATEX474449N 0173000EN/A(X)Nil
NEKIN462426N 0164212EN/A(X)Nil
NIKAB463709N 0173244EN/A(I)Nil
NIPUR474302N 0200047EN/A(I)For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
NOHAT464840N 0163735EN/A(I)Nil
NORAH473658N 0194829EN/A(ID)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
OGVUN472306N 0175120EN/A(AD)Final point of the SID procedure for LHPA / First waypoint of the STAR for LHPA
OKORA464559N 0182217EN/A(I)Nil
OLATI465914N 0172845EN/A(I)Nil
OSDUK454715N 0180801EN/A(X)Nil
OSLEN464336N 0202145EN/A(A)First waypoint of the STAR for LHKE
PARAK460950N 0200539EN/A(EX)EVEN FLs for all entering ACFT
ODD FLs for all exiting ACFT
PATAK480423N 0190738EN/A(X) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
PERIT474718N 0213722EN/A(IAD)First waypoint of the STAR for LHDC
Final point of the SID procedure for LHDC
PESAT474254N 0170311EN/A(E)Nil
PIDON460720N 0180410EN/A(IAD)First waypoint of the STAR for LHPP
Final Point of the SID procedure for LHPP
PITOK481929N 0202218EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering ACFT
EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
PUSTA470908N 0184432EN/A(D)Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
RAKFA471140N 0182740EN/A(I)Nil
RIGSA480952N 0204506EN/A(I)Mandatory waypoint for DEP/ARR LHBP. See also ENR 6-LHCC-ERC-MISC1 chart
ROMKA481319N 0215025EN/A(I)Mandatory in case of LHTRA32B and LHTRA33B active
SASAL471705N 0162828EN/A(EX)ODD FLs for all entering ACFT EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
SIRDU471517N 0171955EN/A(I)Mandatory waypoint for LOWW DEP entering to HUFRA via STEIN
SOGMO463637N 0174103EN/A(I)Nil
SOPRO473516N 0164809EN/A(EX)Only below 9 500 FT AMSL
ODD FLs for all entering ACFT
EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
STEIN472539N 0163559EN/A(EX)ODD FLs for all entering ACFT
EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
Exit only for DEP LHPA
SUBES472516N 0172536EN/A(I)Nil
SUNIS470831N 0162059EN/A(X)EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
SUNOR462847N 0171750EN/A(AD)Final point of the SID procedure for LHSM
First waypoint of the STAR for LHSM
TEGRI461546N 0210616EN/A(X) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all exiting ACFT
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) FL175-FL660 (X) 2300-0500 (2200-0400) 9500 FT-FL175ODD FLs for all exiting ACFT
TEKNO473726N 0172432EN/A(EX)TEKNO intersection is not AVBL for DEP/ARR LHBP traffic.
(I)Above FL 245 AVBL as Intermediate point.
TONDO460250N 0192121EN/A(E)EVEN FLs for all entering ACFT
TORNO473223N 0182924EN/A(ID)1.) Mandatory waypoint for ARR LOWW and entering to HUFRA via KEKED.
See also ENR 6-LHCC-ERC-MISC1 chart
2.) Final point of the SID procedure for LHBP
UVERA471200N 0202547EN/A(I) For tactical re-routing in case TRA 32/33 active
VAJDI472232N 0181709EN/A(I)Nil
VAMOG474714N 0173945EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering ACFT
EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
VEBAL455929N 0171748EN/A(EX)ODD FLs for all entering ACFT
EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT
VEBOS471823N 0183814EN/A(A)First waypoint of the STAR/transition procedure for LHBP
VERIG471020N 0214329EN/A(IAD)First waypoint of the STAR for LHDC
Final point of the SID procedure for LHDC
XOMBA474524N 0180343EN/A(EX) 0500-2300 (0400-2200)ODD FLs for all entering ACFT
EVEN FLs for all exiting ACFT.
(I) 2300-0500 (2200-0400)Nil
ZOLKU473326N 0174830EN/A(I)Nil